
Our Uniform

Wearing our school uniform helps to identify our students as part of our community, and it helps prepare them for a world of work in which they will need to adhere to a dress code. Our uniform expectations are laid out clearly below on our website. We are committed to our high standards around the wearing of correct uniform as we believe it reduces comparisons and variability between students and allows all students to focus on learning in school. We do not allow students to wear badges on their uniform that are not issued by the school and it is the reason we limit the wearing of jewellery, and request that bags and coats have limited branding. We believe that there are many other ways that students can express themselves; through their work, through the clubs they join, and through the values they develop during their time at school. Smart uniform allows students to focus on the core business of being at school – working hard in order to reach their personal summit of success.

Uniform Supplier

Our uniform supplier is Sportswear International Ltd (SWI). Orders can be placed online at www.swischoolwear.co.uk, by phone on 01928 752610 (option 1) or enquiries sent to customerservice@swi.co.uk

View the SWI Parent Guide here

Uniform expectations 

Items marked with an asterisk *  are compulosory items which should be purchased from SWI, see below

  • *College blazer with logo (From 1st September 2024 years 7 - 10 only). From 1 September 2025 compulsory for students in all years.
  • *College jumper with logo (From 1st September 2024 optional for years 7 - 10). From 1 September 2025 optional item for students in all years.
  • *College tie (worn with larger tip ready to touch the top of the trousers or skirt)
  • Plain, tailored, black trousers (not skinny jeans, jeans, leggings, or jogging bottoms. They must cover the ankle and not be tight-fitting.)
  • Plain black skirt, straight or pleated and knee length. (Long, short, jersey, lycra, body-con and wrap round skirts are not acceptable.)
  • Long or short sleeved white shirt with top button done up.
  • Plain, black tights or black ankle socks.
  • Plain, black polishable shoes not boots

If head scarves are worn for religious reasons, they should be a plain colour that fits with the college uniform.

Please be aware that students are not allowed to wear the following:  

  • Jeans, chinos, jogging bottoms/sports trousers, jeggings/leggings
  • Mini skirts
  • Shorts of any description
  • Trainers (students may wear trainers during break and lunch for sports activities but must change back into school shoes before commencement of lessons)
  • Hoodies (these should not be worn at any time whilst on the College site)

Please note that students can wear jackets to and from college, but they should be removed once inside the college building. Hoodies will not be acceptable as jackets.

Jewellery, hair, make-up

Students may have one stud earring, centrally in the lobe. No other jewellery should be worn apart from a wristwatch. 

Hair should be cut in a suitable style for working in a professional environment, with a natural colour and no lines.

Students should not wear any make-up, nail polish, false nails or false eyelashes in college. 

Sports Kit

Items marked with an asterisk * should be purchased from SWI, see below

•    *Blue polo shirt with logo
•    *Black track top with logo
•    *Black shorts with logo
•    *Black football socks
•    Plain, black track pants
•    White indoor trainers
•    Outdoor trainers or Astro boots (any colour except white)

For safety and hygiene reasons students are required to change into their PE kit every PE lesson. The indoor PE kit consists of the blue polo shirt, black Response shorts, black and white striped football socks and white trainers. For outdoor lessons students are required to wear outdoor trainers or astro boots, these can be any colour except white. Students may also wear the track top over their polo shirt and the training pants when outside. Students are not allowed to wear their indoor white trainers outside. All students have indoor and outdoor lessons each term.

Please ensure your child’s name and form group is clearly written on the name tag on each item so we can return any lost PE kit.

These items can be purchased from any other supplier:

Plain black track pants (available but not compulsory from SWI), white indoor trainers, outdoor trainers or astro boots (these can be any colour except white).

Jewellery: School rules permit students to wear one pair of stud earrings. Please be aware that ​all jewellery must be removed for PE lessons. This includes all body piercings, plastic or metal and friendship bands. These items represent a potential hazard, not only to the wearer but also to other children.

The Association for Physical Education Safe Practice states that any jewellery worn in Physical Education lessons is an unnecessary risk and should be avoided at all times. Serious accidents have occurred as a result of contact between pupils wearing earrings or studs with other pupils or equipment. Taping over earrings is no longer a sufficient practice as it does not effectively prevent injury, particularly impact injuries.

Nails: Nails should be kept short. False nails are not permitted. Nails that are longer than the finger can  cause serious injuries to other students. 

Hair: Students with long hair must secure it away from their face with a hair elastic or headband.

Hijab: Hijabs need to be suitable for sport. They should not have any free moving material that could get caught or pulled or that might need rearranging during physical activity.

Students are expected to be in full PE kit for all PE lessons. 

If students are unwell or injured and unable to engage in all of the practical parts of the lesson they should arrive with a full PE kit and a note from their parents or carer. Staff will then support students in maintaining an active role within the lessons which considers the injury or illness which the student is suffering from.

    • Students who forget their PE kit will be provided with a spare PE kit if possible.
    • Students who persistently forget their PE kit will receive a detention.
    • Students that arrive to lessons wearing jewellery will be asked to remove it.
    • Students with long nails will be required to cut them before they take part in the lesson.
    • Students without a hair elastic will be given an elastic band to tie back their hair.

If students refuse to accept support from their teacher to help them meet our expectations normal school sanctions will apply. Safe participation of all students is paramount and we thank all parents for your cooperation.