We always welcome contact with parents/carers because this fosters mutual understanding and support, which has a positive effect on children’s performance and their attitudes to learning.
We want to ensure that parents/carers always have an appropriate and helpful response to their communications. However, unlike some businesses and other occupations, the professional duties of staff can make it difficult for them to speak or meet with parents/carers during the school day. Due to teaching commitments, staff will typically be unavailable between 8.30am and 3.30pm each day. There are also other times outside these hours when they may attend meetings.
We will use email to communicate with parents where a meeting or phone conversation is not possible. We aim to acknowledge your email within 48 hours and endeavour to provide a response as soon as possible, but always within 10 term time days
Staff email addresses are the first name.surname@trumpingtoncc.org.uk. Example: jane.smith@trumpingtoncc.org.uk. In the event you are unsure of the name(s) of any teacher you wish to email, please send your enquiry to tru-enquiries@trumpingtoncc.org.uk and we will be happy to forward this on to the correct person.
However, if we need to have a sensitive conversation or address major behaviour or progress issues, we find that an in-person meeting or phone conversation is usually more effective and minimises misunderstanding.
Who to Contact?
We use Arbor, our school management information system, to stay in regular email contact with families. Sending information to you by email means we can advise you of the latest school information quickly and cost-free: no printing and paper costs. It also eliminates the risk of letters lurking at the bottom of your child’s school bag!
IRIS Parentmail +Pay
The school has a cashless policy and uses +Pay as a payment gateway, enabling you to pay for school trips, shop items or add money online to a student’s catering account. When your child/children join the school a registration link will be sent by email enabling you to link your account with you child/children. Click the logo below to log into your account.

Information Evenings
For Years 7, 8 and 10, we hold Information Evenings in the first half of the Autumn Term where Heads of Year provide an overview of the school year and parents can meet with Tutors.
The Year 11 Post-16 event takes place during the Autumn Term and the Year 9 Pathways event happens in January.
When we plan to organise trips abroad for students, the trip leader will usually hold an information evening in advance to provide key itinerary details and information about the trip.
Parents' Evenings
Once a year, parents/carers and students will get the opportunity to meet with subject teachers to discuss progress and any areas of development. Information will be sent out in advance.
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