Careers and Futures

Careers and Futures

We believe all students at Trumpington Community College should have the knowledge, skills and attitude to be successful learners, well-rounded individuals and productive citizens able to contribute positively to society. Our careers programme aims to help students to reach their full potential by providing high quality advice and guidance. We aim to motivate young people by giving them a clearer idea of the routes to jobs and careers that they will find engaging and rewarding.

The current careers programme is delivered through a combination of methods, including explicit lessons within the PSHE programme. In school students have access to careers information on apprenticeships, universities, the labour market, career pathways and post-16 applications. Students in year 11 get specific support with writing CVs, letters of application and personal statements. Students in year 10 have access to work experience across a wide variety of sectors and we support them in choosing suitable placements. Students in year 9 are guided in their key stage 4 choices by ensuring they consider future pathways and which qualifications will support their progression. Careers advisors can also come into school to meet with students, discuss their options and support their decision-making processes and applications.

The school has links with a variety of partners, such as Form the Future, who are also able to provide information, guidance and advice. Students have access to workshops in specific careers available throughout the academic year.

The Careers Lead at Trumpington is Dr Gromyko Dumuje, gromyko.dumuje@trumpingtoncc.org.uk

You can read the full careers programme on the school’s policy below.